Bundoran Tribe

Bundoran Replenish Tribe leader, Taralouise McCaughey
Taralouise is a 30 year old mother of 2 boys and another on the way. Taralouise has been living in Bundoran for nearly 11 years and is originally from Liverpool.
She has lived with mental health nearly all her life but it really came to head after the birth of her first son. She had Postnatal Depression and thought the world was ending, but through learning skills and getting the correct medical help she managed to keep going.
After the birth of her second son, Taralouise again developed PND, but this time she was more aware of her triggers and put plans into place to get better.
For the next five years Tara would continue to experience difficulty with her mental health, but never talked about it or looked for help.
In October 2016 things hit rock bottom, Taralouise was very sick, had a full break down. Taralouise tried to end her life and spent the next year in and out of a mental health hospital.
Since 2016 Taralouise has had to find new ways to look after her mental health as well as keeping a happy and healthy family life for her children and husband. Tara is proud of how far she has come, and believes she has survived for a reason. Now, as leader of a Replenish Tribe in her local area, Taralouise wants to be the ear, friend, support that couldn't find.
"We don’t have to and shouldn’t suffer alone and with Replenish tribes in Bundoran I hope we can all come together and be the support our community needs. I'm here for those who want to have someone to talk to."-Taralouise McCaughey
Get in touch with Tara to find out more about the getting involved with the Bundoran Tribe: Bundoran Replenish Tribe